Spring Will Come Again

Winter storms upon my heart
My soul bears the scars of loss
Like a barren branch I see
My life marked by the cross
There is no escape or hiding
Death will come for us all
Even here I must surrender
All that was green must surely fall

All this by my God’s loving hand
His new life awakens from the grave
Nothing is too broken to restore
Nothing dead He’s unable to raise
So let winter make his claim
I’m called by a more Powerful name
For I know death is just a doorway
And the spring will come again


In the Sabbath stillness
I look up as I look down
Hear the rain upon the window
Delight in the dewdrops on the ground
I’m reminded that the God who loves me
Doesn’t dwell upon a line
He is above, below, around me
He exists outside of time

So I slow and still my senses
Rush blinds the eyes of delight
Find stillness (be present), because He’s present
Don’t let seeing too much block true sight
For I often hurry past Your glory
Even though it’s right in front of my face
I’m often deaf to the symphony
When all You’ve made is a chorus of Your praise

Did I ever really know You,
God, woven in and through everything I see?
Have I ever thought of You rightly,
God, I find ever increasingly all around me?
When I am still I am more awe
That You see me, meet me, want know me
And You invite me to know You - God!
So deeper I wander into Your rest, Your mystery